Worship at Frontline Church is a part of our weekly Sunday Gathering where all kinds of people are called by the Spirit of God to bring all of their real selves to God in the act of singing, shouting, clapping, lifting hands, confessing sin, praying for our world, longing for and practicing the gifts of the Spirit, hearing the Word of God preached, and coming to the Lord’s Table.
Simply, Worship & Liturgy are forces that create a spectacular collision with the Gospel Story as well as our collective and individual life stories. Jesus, is at the beginning, center, and culmination of life; the constant thread of our stories.
Worship Team members at Frontline Shawnee are invited into a culture of discipleship and leadership under Jesus that pursues a practiced, grace-fueled, and progressing excellence in all areas of our ministry. This pursuit includes leading worship, playing an instrument, running the sound board, or building ProPresenter slide presentations and requires attendance at weekly rehearsals and personal time sacrificed during the week to prepare for Sunday Gatherings. All areas of our ministry are areas to deeply encounter the call of Jesus to growth in discipleship and leadership.
For us, culture of discipleship and leadership has to begin with regular attendance of Sunday Gatherings and active participation in a Community Group; for more information on how to get involved with those areas of our church life, visit the Attend page or Community Groups page. For more information on getting involved with Frontline Shawnee’s Worship Team, either as a worship leader, musician, or Audio/Visual Technician, or for a deeper look at our heart for Worship check out our Worship Team Application and our Worship Acclimation and contact us using our information listed below!
The goal of Frontline Shawnee’s Sunday Liturgy, or our intentioned rhythm of ordering a service, is to point all people towards the beautiful reality that Christ Jesus is Lord through shaping our Sunday services in a way that holds all parts of the Gospel of Jesus within every Sunday Gathering.
We connect ourselves to a few important, ancient liturgical practices because we believe they are Christ Forming, Affection Orienting, Gospel Remembering, and deeply Missional. These practices are not sanctifying in their own power, but they do posture our hearts well to receive the presence and work of the Holy Spirit, who calls us to repentance and forms us into the image of Jesus Christ.
As a helpful guide through some of the yearly seasons of the Church Calendar, Frontline Church has produced a few guided journals for personal devotion.
Frontline Music is a wing of Frontline Church’s worship ministry that exists to create music for the church that is in tune with God’s movement in our church through specific seasons and is constantly aware of the greater Gospel story that is eternal. Below you can find the links to our albums on several music streaming platforms.
For more information on Frontline Shawnee’s Worship and Liturgy, you can contact Jordan Richardson, our Worship Director, by emailing him at