Sermon on the Mount

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Sermon on the Mount

Around two thousand years ago, Jesus sat down on a mountain and taught his disciples what it means to follow him. This speech, known as the Sermon on the Mount, would go on to change the world. Jesus talked about the true meaning of love, compassion, and morals. His words were so full of hope and life, and yet riddled with hard sayings and difficult commands. But for those who received his teachings, they discovered the way of life and blessing. For the next four hundred years, the followers of Jesus would be mocked and ridiculed. They were despised, fired from their jobs, and persecuted. Some were even killed for following the radical teachings of Jesus. But time and time again, they returned to the very speech Jesus gave on the mountain. And as a result, against all odds, the greatest movement in the history of the world grew and flourished.

June 30, 2019

Sermon on the Mount, June 30th

Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 7:21–23

June 23, 2019

Sermon on the Mount, June 23rd

Speaker: Ben Hill Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 7:15–20

June 16, 2019

Goodness and Authority

Speaker: Josh Kouri Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 7:7–11

June 9, 2019

Ask, Seek, Knock

Speaker: Chad Puckett Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 7:12–14

May 26, 2019

Sermon on the Mount, May 26th

Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 7:1–6

May 19, 2019

Freedom From Anxiety

Speaker: Ben Hill Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 6:25–34

May 12, 2019

Treasure and Heart

Speaker: Ben Hill Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 6:19–24

May 5, 2019

The Lord's Prayer

Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 6:5–18

April 28, 2019

Counter-Cultural Generosity

Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 6:1–4

April 14, 2019

Like Father, Like Child

Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 5:38–48

April 7, 2019

Let Your Yes Be Yes

Speaker: Ben Hill Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 5:33–37

March 31, 2019

Lust and Divorce

Speaker: Chad Kincer Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Genesis 5:27–32

March 24, 2019

Anger and Reconciliation

Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 5:21–26

March 17, 2019

The Righteousness of the Kingdom

Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 5:17–20

March 10, 2019

Blessed Disciples, Blessed King

Speaker: Ben Hill Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 5:1–16

March 3, 2019

Authority and Flourishing

Speaker: Ben Hill Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 5:1–12